Back from Vegas...
Well I got back from Vegas last night and got home around midnight...
Here's an abbreviated re-cap of my trip:
Left 8am Thursday morning, get to the airport in Seattle, get on the plane, then sit for almost an hour waiting for the flight crew.
We make it to Vegas and after a smooth landing make it to the Mirage and check-in.
Thursday night we played BJ at the Barbary Coast, then went down to the Mandalay Bay to get tickets for Al Green.
Friday night: Al Green, the legend... The man has an unbelievable voice that hasn't lost a thing since the 70's. It's only in the past couple of years he's been out touring again after he turned his back on the "secular" world in the mid-70's and became a preacher at his church in Memphis.
Saturday night: Jerry Seinfeld, also a legend... He was pretty funny, although his current act involves a lot of jokes about marriage which since I am not married were not as amusing to me. For an encore he came out and answered some questions from the audience. Someone asked him if he would ever do TV again, his answer was "I'm old, tired, and thanks to all the people like you, rich, so no"... It's out fault he won't do TV again...
Sunday night: Love, the Cirque de Soleil show based on the music of the Beatles. An amazing show! Those Cirque performers are unbelievably talented.
Monday: Played some more blackjack and then caught the plane home...
I didn't take a single picture this trip, so don't bother looking for any in the DimensionZ Photo Gallery. Don't worry, I plan to take a ton of pictures when I go to Oregon next week...
I just want to say THANKS for the awesome liscense plate with my name on it from Vegas. That was so awesome! XD I'm sorry I left it at work, I suck. :{
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