Thursday, August 17, 2006

Posting from Seaside, OR...

I'm posting on the free wireless internet of the Motel 6 in Seaside, OR...

I've recently become addicted to Big Brother All-Stars, and am waiting for tonight's episode to begin.

I was camping at Cape Lookout state park in Oregon (near Tillamook) since monday, and then drove back up to Seaside to stay in a motel for one night before heading home. The weather was not as nice as I had hoped it would be, and the water at the beach near the campsite was freezing cold. The one time I went in the water I had to get out pretty quickly because my boys didn't like the cold.

I'll post some pictures when I get home...


At 8:30 PM, Anonymous holly said...

this is a message for dave, not you, jon.


so dave,
I was in cap mall EB today (north van.) and bennifer is the new manager there.

and he wanted me to tell you that "the other dog is okay" something about his dog attacking another dog while he ran into you on the street one time.

tell dreyer I am taken.



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