Friday, October 06, 2006

Work and other stuff...

If the picture came through, you should be looking at the place I park my ass most weekends.
It's friday night at EB Games...

I'm pissed off at myself for forgetting the Thanksgiving special has been on all week at Steamrollers and now it's too late. I'll have to wait until US Thanksgiving week to eat one.

I'm upset at the people at Rogers for "uninviting" Molly and I to a party for their departing ASM last night.
Because of that, I didn't get to see Holly (Although if she called me I would have come over to see her at EB when she was there).

Some retard just called wanting to return the PC game he bought an hour ago because he can't read the requirements. People like that are why PC gaming is shrinking.

I'm fed up with the stupid people in the world...


At 8:44 AM, Anonymous h said...

we were only at eb for like two minutes.


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