Not Slacking...
I'm not slacking right now, which is a change of pace.
Last week was brutal, I had 5 midterms in 5 days, and I'm fairly certain that I failed the 5th one.
And as if to re-affirm my mistake of going to BCIT, today I discovered that it's basically impossible to get credit for the courses in my program at any other school.
The "block" credit transfer program BCIT claims to have is only in affect for two schools for my program, in Kamloops and Victoria. About half of the individual courses could be transferred to the UCFV, which is still far away from me...
In simpler words, I be fucked...
To top off this wonderful day, my watch died this morning.
Tomorrow probably isn't going to be any better. I freakin' hate kids, so a holiday that invites them to solicit candy from my front door is not exactly my favorite. The only worse experience I could imagine is if the kids were dressed as protestors. Since those of you that know me well know that I hate protestors more than anything else in the world.
I am extremely unhappy with my life at the moment...