My first post of 2008. The title doesn't imply anything other than I listened to the Led Zepplin song on the way to school today.
I think this is going to be one of those rambling posts. I think about things way too much, I wish I could just relax and go with life more often. I think ahead and it gives me anxiety and worry over possibilities that may not even be possible. That was too many sentences starting with "I think". See, I think too much. Pun.
So I've been seeing a girl for the past month or so. The people I know that read this probably already know that, and if you don't know me it doesn't really matter to you.
She let me read her livejournal yesterday and after reading it I realised just how wonderful she is. I guess I should send her a link to here (if she isn't reading this already), I don't make much of an effort to hide this blog. If you are reading this, feel free to comment...
She makes me feel like my heart finally melted. For the longest time I protected my emotions so strongly, never letting anyone in, so I could never be hurt. With her, I want to open up and tell her everything, which is leaving me with a strange feeling of vulnerability and happiness mixed together.
Wow, this is way more personal than I usually post...
In other matters, my house is still for sale. There was one offer, but it fell apart. So my living situation is still up in the air. My house could literally sell anytime and I have no idea where I would move to. I'd like to stay in the White Rock/South Surrey area, but that depends if I can find a place to rent that would suit me. Other areas I'm going to consider are New West and Burnaby. I've thought about moving back to Vancouver, but I don't think I really want to. I don't know where I will be working next January, it could be downtown Vancouver, or possibly Langley.
Ok, that's enough blogging for me...