PowerMac 7300/180

Carmageddon: Splat Pack
Reviewed by Marty Dodge

SCI in their infinite wisdom has decided not to bring the Splat Pack out for the Mac. So why the review? Well being that Mac people are always used to having to do things for themselves, several people mucked around with the files in Carmageddon and the Splat Pack and determined that most of the files for the PC and the Mac are identical. Many of us have been using PC cars in Carmegeddon for months. A sort of group think was held in the discussion group of Carmageddon.Com and several of us decided to give it a shot.

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As you may have determined by now, it worked. Starting with the demo of the Splat Pack we discovered it would work, if you were willing to put in about 40 minutes of annoying and careful copying across. James then determined that the complete Splat Pack could be used the same way. I went as far as to buy the PC version but ended up not getting round to experimenting. This was still an onerous and time consuming task. Until that is… James decided to write an Applescript program to copy all this stuff for you. If you have a copy of the Splat Pack and 40 minutes of time, Splat Pack Installer will do it all for you. SCI should give James a contract as we speak, he saved them a hell of a lot of time and money and they still get to sell the Splat Pack to Mac owners.

Now some of you might want to get boycott SCI for not bringing out the Splat Pack for the Mac. Get mad for a few minutes and get over it. Remember, we want them to bring out Carmageddon II for the Mac, after all the thing is being done on a Mac. If you have not yet seen screenshots of it go to MacInkill and enjoy your future. It looks amazing and should be a blast to play. We should also be happy that SCI made the programming so easy to much about with, that is why Carmageddon has staying power. One last thing, because the Splat Pack is a fairly "old" title you can buy it for very little on sale at major outlets or by mail-order.

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Now that is off my chest, the add-on that is the Splat Pack. The game play is the same as the full game, but the graphics have been approved, and the opponents are a lot more fun. The tracks, besides "Ring of Fire" which for some reason will not work on the Mac, are neater as well (range from Aztec to Myst—like islands.) The tracks for the most part are harder than in the full game. Some of the jumps and curves are killer. Cars are great as well. There is nothing better than nailing a pesky Citroen CV with the Peterbilt semi-cab, and watching the little commie bastard fly across the screen. Other standouts are: a Duesenberg, a monster truck and Chevy from the 70s. There are now sheep & boar as well the ever present cows and people to hit as one drives round the track. Your original cars seem to have improved handling and combined with the more macho grunt of the engine, both give real pleasure. (For the Eagle II, just think cartoon Batmobile that is red.)

To Get the Mac Splat Pack Installer, visit MacInKill