Civilization II Gold
Reviewed by
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Civilization II Gold is an upgraded
version of the original Civilization II which now includes
support for multiplayer and includes all of the Conflicts in
Civilization and Fantastic Worlds scenarios. Other than
those two items, nothing else has changed from Civilization
The extremely fun and
addictive gameplay of Civilization II remains the same.
Advance your civilization with an aspiration for worldwide
domination. You can micro-manage each of your cities, or let
your advisors handle the production. There are many units
and buildings to construct for each of your hopefully many
cities. There are treaties to be signed, and technologies to
discover. Civilization II gives you a rich and complex world
to dominate.
The fun of
Civilization II Gold comes in the multiplayer additions.
Playing your empire against another real person's empire
gives the game a lot more thrill. You can play over your
Local-Area-Network, the Internet through TCP/IP, or on one
computer through the "hotseat" method. Note, I would not
recommend the hotseat method, unless you like getting up and
sitting down a couple hundred times during a game (hence the
name, hotseat).
The "Conflicts in
Civilization" and "Fantastic Worlds" give you the fun of
standard Civ II with the excitement of playing with all new
units and lands. Defend Earth from Alien Invaders, take a
side in the Civil War, these scenarios play out with a cast
of characters and a plot to follow. A lot of the scenarios
incorporate entirely new unit and structures for your use,
greatly altering the usual gameplay.
It appears that when adding multiplayer
support, they broke a couple things... There are more than a
few bugs floating around in Civ II Gold, most noticeably for
me is a bug with opening saved games while file sharing is
active. Hopefully a bug-fix patch will be out soon.
Overall, the addition
of multiplayer support, and the inclusion of the great
scenario sets make Civilization II Gold a recommended buy
from me, albeit a marginal one. The multiplayer aspects and
the new graphics and units of some of the scenarios breathe
just enough life into another otherwise tired old game to
make it an enjoyable play. It did make me long for the
upcoming Civilization III even more...