
PowerMac G3 233 130 RAM (VM on)

Lode Runner 2
Reviewed by Marty Dodge


I really wanted to like this game, because I loved its 2 million unit selling predecessor, one of the best games ever for Apple II. The problem is, as is typical with this sort of really late in game sequel , it has so much flash that it loses the spirit of the original game. They even brought Doug Smith, the original creator of Lode Runner, to advise. Obviously he was ignored. In this game you get to play a male or female Lode Runner, decked out in your choice of colors armed with a drilling weapon cleverly disguised a neat looking SMG. Don't be fooled by the cover, it is the best part of the game.

(Click on Picture to Expand)

LR2 has some of the worst gameplay I have encountered in a long time. The game is suppose to be a challenging, instead it is merely annoying. I spent a great deal of time giving LR2 a chance, but I was not moved.

Graphics and Sound/Interface/Difficulty
Graphically the game looks extremely good, if hard to see. The 160 levels, over 5 worlds (Industrial, Jungle, Gear, Mona and Wacky) are amazingly done, if too detailed. It is an impressive game to look at, if not play. The screen is so small that it is hard to tell what is going on at times. For some reason there is no way to adjust the screen size, if you use a large monitor at a fair distance from your eyes, you will find yourself staring at the screen trying to figure out where you are. Another big problem is the fact that the game is in 3D, so the perspectives are all messed up. It would have been nice if there were a rotation option allowing one to look at the screen from a different perspective. The sounds are nothing special and the music gets annoying quickly, so you will find yourself turning it off very soon after you get the game.

(Click on Picture to Expand)

The controls are fairly poor and unresponsive, one has to fiddle with keys on the keypad. It takes a while to realize where your character goes when you hit the key (he/she moves NW,SW,SE,NE and up & down.) It might have been better if there were a mouse and joystick option. It takes a great deal of time to master the movement and the reward is by no means sufficient. The game is extremely hard for reasons other than the gameplay. The reason it is so hard because the interface is rubbish and it is hard to see on the screen. Your character is tiny, so much so that it gets lost in the other things on the screen.

There are no bugs that I can find, which is nice. Another good thing is its low requirements: PowerPC, 16 RAM and Thousands of colors.

(Click on Picture to Expand)

LR2 is short is a very badly executed game. You are able to do play multiplayer (up to 8), which will make a crowded screen even more so. There is also a level editor, which is a nice touch, but the time spent coding it would have better used making the game more enjoyable. LR2 is not a worthy successor to Lode Runner. Presace has managed to take a simple, enjoyable game that was well loved, and turn it into a bloated graphics demonstration. Sad really. Yet another case of "if it ain't broke don't fix it."
