
I’m still waiting for my brake lights to get fixed, so I thought I would post here.

I like baseball. Even though it was freezing cold last weekend I sat in Safeco field with my Dad to watch the Mariners beat the White Sox 6-3. When I go to Vegas I always bet on baseball too.

For the last couple of years my Dad and I have gotten 6 game packs of tickets to Mariners games. This year we got tickets to the Red Sox game on Monday May 26, but my advanced accounting class is the same night. So no Red Sox for me this year… : (

Still, I will get to see the:
Detroit Tigers, June 1
Washington Nationals, June 15
New York Yankees, September 7
Oakland Athletics, September 27

This weekend I am driving to Edmonton with my Dad and my nephew Joel. I’m not exactly looking forward to it.
Still, I guess I will get to see the West Edmonton Mall, which I’ve never been to before.

Rotating Tires…

So I'm overdue for an update here.

I'm waiting in Langley for my tires to be rotated. It is taking 2 hours because the Costco tire centre is super busy. I should have gotten up earlier this morning.

Now I'm at Fatburger spending $10.78 on lunch, even though I really need to cut back on my spending. The last couple of weeks I have been spending way way too much money. Partly because Vegas is expensive, partly because I have very little self control when it comes to buying stuff.

Vegas was good. I stayed at the Tropicana (which actually declared bankruptcy today), spent a few days sitting in the summer by the pool. Drank like a fish some nights. Attended a Vegas wedding. Ate a lot. Spent more money than I should have.

After I got home from Vegas I spent an awesome Saturday going to Free Comic Book Day at 2 comic book stores, went to Science World, Granville Island, and then saw Iron Man.

Ah, my burger is here, gotta go…

My Personality Test…

My Personality

Openness to Experience

You feel enraged when things do not go your way. You are sensitive about being treated fairly and feel resentful and bitter if you think you are being cheated, however you tend to lack energy and have difficult initiating activities. You are not prone to spells of energetic high spirits. You are not interested in the arts and do not display aesthetic sensitivity. You are willing to take credit for good things that you do but you don’t often talk yourself up much, however you believe that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary. You are guarded in new relationships and less willing to openly reveal the whole truth about yourself. You are a reasonably organized person and like to have a certain amount of routine in your life.

Take a Personality Test now or view the full Personality Report.

Still with the anxiety…

Well I felt like posting, so here I go.

I booked two trips to Vegas. I’m heading there April 28 to May 2 and staying at the Tropicana. And then I’m heading down again July 31 to August 4 and staying at the Mirage.

School is crazy right now, tons of stuff due in the next couple of weeks, and then final exams…

I’m not sleeping too well lately, I still have a lot of anxiety over cancer coming back… I have my next surveillance check up on April 3. I’m still worried because the statistics say that I have a probability of relapse somewhere between 30-50% and if it were to happen it would occur within the next two years, most likely within 6 months. So, those numbers are the root cause of my anxiety and sleep difficulties. You try sleeping while worrying that a headache, back ache, or any other changes in my body are due to cancer growing and spreading inside of me…

In other news, I did a firearms safety course the other week. I’m just waiting on my possesion and acquistion license.
Today I bought a breathalyzer on eBay, which should be interesting when it arrives.

And I actually, finally, unpacked some boxes today…