You’re not your job…

From Wil Wheaton:

You’re not your job, whatever you determine it is at the moment: (Mother, Father, Husband, Wife, Crazy Cat Lady, Tony Orlando and Dawn Fan Club President, Cardboard Box Spaceship Designer, etc.) When you take care of yourself, and give yourself something that is just for you (have I made that clear?) you’ll figure out rather quickly who you are and how you define yourself, because you get to know yourself again.

I have to say sitting here right now, I love that quote…

Five years, ten managers…

I was bored and decided to count the number of managers I've worked for during my five plus years working for EB Games. I came up with ten (I didn't count anyone I worked with for less than a month, and repeaters only got counted once). Ten over five years is a lot, especially since I was acting manager for extended periods of time.

The list of EB Games manager's I've worked with in chronological order:
Brendan Bourque
Sarah McLeod
Demian Lord
Jeremy Peters
Russell McPherson
Jeff Burns
Danielle Feteke
Al Woolverton
Heather Huff
Dan Deresh
and number 11 should be coming soon…

Wow, I’m still alive…

Well I guess this blog deserves an update. I’m writing this one from work. As usual I am sitting on the stool behind the counter bored out of my mind.

2 weeks from today is my first mid-term exam, and then 5 more in five days after that concluding friday march 9th. I am no where close to being prepared for that.
Of course after those exams I do get a week off. Hopefully I’ll be driving down to Seaside, OR (see posts from March and August last year). I want to get some shopping done and finally get my lightning bolt tattoo.
I definitely could use a break.

Since Dan (my boss) quit to go work @ Starbucks we have been severely under staffed. I’ve been working every Thursday, Fri, Sat, and Sun nights. And apparently my current boss is attempting to follow Dan to Starbucks. I’m going to be so lonely at work if that happens, that will leave only one person working who was here when I started working out here…

That’s all I have to say for now…